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The Power of The Half a Shekel

I want to share an interesting idea with you. There are many explanations for the reason for half a shekel, but please allow me to offer another one. 

In Megilat Esther, it says that Haman offered 10,000 kikar silver in exchange for the right to get rid of the Jews. Haman was afraid that Achashverosh would object to the loss of Jewish tax revenue if he killed them all. So, to prevent that objection, Haman was ready to sweeten the deal for the King by offering the above amount. King Achashverosh never took the offered money, which is an important fact to remember.

Hashem foresaw the above conversation, so when the Nation of Israel came out from Egypt, Hashem gave Moshe Rabbenu a commandment to collect half a shekel from each individual. Moshe Rabbenu did exactly that and has collected from 600,000 men, as it says in Parashat Ki Tisa 30:11-16. 

These funds were used for the building of the mizbeach in the dessert, but its spiritual value has been reserved for the future use. 

Targum Sheni Masechet Megilah says that “Haman offered a quarter of the shekel for each person of the 600,000 that came out from Mitzrayim to King Achashverosh, which equals to 10,000 kikar silver.”

It makes me think, since at the time of Exodus they collected half a shekel, which is 50% of the whole shekel, Hashem deducted 25% from that collected value and in its merit the miracle of Purim happened, and the Nation of Israel was saved from the dark scheme of Evil Haman. 

But the remaining 25% is still unclaimed and has never been used. For centuries, no matter where in the world the Nation of Israel has been, on Taanit Esther, we have been “paying” in all types of currencies—but in reality, we are renewing the original half-shekel, or the remainder of it—nonstop, which in turn has Hashem collecting its spiritual value and saving it for future use. 

But when, and how can this remainder be used?

I believe that when Mashiach comes, Hashem will use the merit of the remaining 25% of the half a shekel. This will end the dark schemes of this world's evil and allow the Nation of Israel to walk away free from current exile into redemption.

And just like V’Nahapoch Hu, the situation was reversed centuries ago, so it will happen once again in our time. 

Shmuel Katanov

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