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Be part of This Great Mitzvah!!

By supporting this website, you join the movement that brings the wisdom and beauty of the Torah to many household/office computers and handheld devices worldwide. Our goal was to create the most kosher environment where people would spend hours learning and acquiring Torah knowledge on the go, or in front of their computers while they work or simply busy with their daily activities. We have tried hard to make it the easiest no matter what technology device is used to access this website.

In our 20+ years journey, we have changed lives and influenced others while making a great impact worldwide. And now you can join us, and help us continue doing so on a much bigger scale. By supporting us, know that your funds will be spent on technology, labor, offline advertising, and online exposure, to bring even more hours of Torah content, and display the site in front of even more people. 

** is not a registered 501(c) organization. Your funds will help our team to enjoy their daily cup of coffee or two and continue growing this project further.

Thank you for considering this opportunity to make a real difference. Your generosity can truly change lives.

To support our ongoing efforts, you can buy us a coffee via these links: BMaC or Kofi.


Будьте частью этой Великой Мицвы!!

Ваша финансовая поддержка позволит другим учить Тору на своих телефонах, планшетах и компьютерах по всему миру.

Ваши деньги будут использованы для дальнейшей разработки сайта, работу над контентом, рекламой в газетах и на Интернете.

Измените чью-то жизнь к лучшему Сегодня!

Спасибо за вашу поддержку.

Ваша поддержка поможет нашей команде продолжить работать над проектом чтоб сделать его больше и лучше чем оно является сегодня.

Вы можете купить нам кофе: BMaC или Kofi