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Today is -

  • Why Did Moshe Rabbeinu Hit The Rock?
    Why Did Moshe Rabbeinu Hit The Rock?
    In Parashat Chukat 20:6-13, Hashem tells Moshe to take a staff and talk the rock, but Moshe hits it. Plenty of water came out,...
  • The Sound Of The Clock
    The Sound Of The Clock
    Have you ever tried to hear the sound of a clock?In Parashat Terumah 25:31-40, "Hashem tells Moshe Rabbeinu to build a Menorah...
  • The State of The Generation - Part 2
    The State of The Generation - Part 2
    If you haven't read the Part 1, you can do so here. I strongly suggest it, since Part Two is built on the previous...
  • The Arrogance of The Fifth Son, Part 1
    The Arrogance of The Fifth Son, Part 1
    The story is told in the Parashat Behalotcha 9:6-14 of people who approached our teacher Moshe and posed a very logical...
  • Aish Tamid - The Continuous Fire
    Aish Tamid - The Continuous Fire
    There were two items in the Bet Hamikdash called a Mizbeach or an Altar, Mizbeach HaChitzon or the Outer Altar or the Outer...
  • The Divine Plan
    The Divine Plan
    In Megilat Esther, Chapter 2 Pasuk 7, we find something interesting and shocking.וַיְהִ֨י אֹמֵ֜ן אֶת־הֲדַסָּ֗ה הִ֤יא אֶסְתֵּר֙...
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