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Chevra Rav Moshe Chaim

In today's class with Hashem's help we will be exploring the profound concepts of God's presence in the world.
More sepcifically, we'll be examining the teachings of revered scholars, uncovering the intricate layers of understanding regarding Hashem's infinite nature.

Put your thinkin' cap on Chevra because we are about to challenge the idea that Hashem is absent from certain spaces and instead uncover the truth about His omnipresence.
Explore the analogy of a watchful king peering out of his window, supervising without physically being present, paralleling Hashem's relationship with the universe.
Understand how the perspective of Hashem's absence is refuted, emphasizing His constant presence even in the darkest moments.
The discussion further unfolds to elucidate that - while Hashem might seem distant - He remains ever-present.
in english

Emunah - Вера
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