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Is There a Difference Between Sadness and Emptiness?



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Addressing the Personal and Emotional Needs of Our Community and Answering the Most Pressing Questions of Our Lives -- from the Perspective of Chassidic Thought.

• Chassidus Applied to Shavuos 0:15
• What was the purpose of Mattan Torah? 2:40
• Is there any special Shavuot message related to the 50th anniversary of the Six-Day-War? 19:10
• What is the Torah view on the US Embassy relocation to Jerusalem? 22:10
• Is there a difference between sadness and emptiness? 27:18
• Follow-up:
o The Rashbi 34:40
o Superiority in Torah 40:20
o When to give 50:00
o Understanding narcissism 56:08
• Chassidus Question: What is the practical application of Malchus in our lives? 57:25
• MyLife Essays: All Fun and No Joy: The Paradox of Life in the Postmodern Era; To Find Meaning One Must Make Meaning; Love: The Basis of the Torah 1:03:50

To see information about the contest visit http://www.meaningfullife.com/contest.

Submit your question now at http://www.meaningfullife.com/mylifelive or email: [email protected].

MyLife: Chassidus Applied is a series of video webcasts answering questions from the public, with the objective of demonstrating how Chassidus provides us with a comprehensive blueprint of the human psyche as a microcosm of the cosmos, and offers us all the guidance we need to live the healthiest possible life and build nurturing homes and families, bringing up the healthiest possible children, emotionally, psychologically and spiritually.

MyLife is brought to you by the Meaningful Life Center as a public service, free of charge.

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YOUTUBE CHANNEL: http://www.youtube.com/in/meaningfullife
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in English
Happiness - Счастье Shavuot - Шавуот
sadness, emptiness
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