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I Need a Rebbe



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Rebbe Glanz // Binyamin Werner // Yehudah Pinsker

"I Need A Rebbe": Exploring the Rebbe-Talmid Relationship

The Rebbe-Talmid (Teacher-Student) relationship holds immense significance within our cherished mesorah (tradition). In this captivating music video, we endeavor to capture the growth and splendor of this relationship from both the perspective of the Talmid and the Rebbe. Our aim is to shed light on the profound depth of this bond, surpassing the mere exchange of knowledge. Judaism calls upon us to embrace a profound approach to life, which entails the Talmid seeking a meaningful connection 2with a Rebbe, while the Rebbe, in turn, provides genuine inspiration and guidance to navigate the various challenges encountered during the formative years of development.

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I Need a Rebbe, song
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