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  • The Power of The Half a Shekel
    The Power of The Half a Shekel
    I want to share an interesting idea with you. There are many explanations for the reason for half a shekel, but please allow me...
  • So that I may dwell amongst them
    So that I may dwell amongst them
    Did you ever want Hashem to live next to you or in your community? In Parashat Terumah 25:8 it says, "וְעָ֥שׂוּ לִ֖י מִקְדָּ֑שׁ...
  • King David's Lineage
    King David's Lineage
    Long live the King! Long live the King.. - shouted people when King David walked amongst the crowd to his throne. But did you...
  • And Yosef Was In Mitzrayim
    And Yosef Was In Mitzrayim
    Sometimes, you read a sentence in the Torah and wonder why some events are written in a certain way. But, like anything in the...
  • The Secret of Rachel’s Flowers
    The Secret of Rachel’s Flowers
    Ever wonder why Yaakov Avinu has elevated Menashe and Efraim to the level of shevatim / tribes? Don't forget these kids have...
  • The Toughest Battles of Life
    The Toughest Battles of Life
    Life is all about choices. But before I continue with this topic, I just wanted to state it once again, as always anything I...
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