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Mechitza, Brainwashing & Shadchanim



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Rabbi Yitzchak Breitowitz

Dedicated in Loving Memory of Cliff Drazen- צדוק בן ראובן

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00:00 How do you convey a positive connection to intimacy if it’s something we avoid before marriage and also how to we counteract society’s influence toward it?

03:42 When someone speak lashon hara about you, you accrue their mitzvos?

14:00 Why are there so many differences in sefardi and Ashkenazic Halacha? Is it based on Minhag? At what point does minhag become Halacha? What is the soul effect?

34:34 Is there a strong background of Mizrachi being related to ashkenazim?

36:10 Are all nusachs inclusive of the Arizal’s Kabbalah?

42:43 Why did Rav Moshe speak against Rav Steinzaltz’s translation of the Gemara?

49:20 Should we hold back on talking about ourselves as to avoid jealousy from others and does Hashgscha Pratis have an effect of preventing that?

57:50 If someone never knew or connected to Rav Chaim z”l, should they still mourn for him, or any tzadik in general?

1:04:40 How do we respond to the comment that Yeshiva is a brainwashing operation?

1:07:50 What are the origins of dressing up and eating hamentashen on Purim?

1:10:12 If the majority of nations agree to it, does International Law like the UN conventions, Geneva Convention, etc. fulfil Dinim to the point that NATO and other countries would be obligated to enforce violations under Torah law?

1:14:45 Where is the Torah source for Shadchans and why are there mechizas for events that don’t have to do with tefilla?

1:21:50 What is the logic behind the reasoning that certain mezonos could be bread, especially concerning matza?

1:24:49 Does the Gemara define romance at any point?

1:28:05 How are principles (eg Tznius or Shalom Bayis) defined in Halacha?—How can a principle be enough to outweigh a mitzva like women’s zimmun?

1:32:13 In regards to increasing a cooking flame on Yom Tov, can one use a boiling pot to extinguish the flame?

1:34:18 Should we be abstaining or partaking in Judaism (asceticism)?

1:37:41 Could one be Yotzei Matanos Leevnyonim on both days of Purim?

1:40:08 What happened to Moshe Rabbeinu’s kids and why are they seemingly not mentioned very much in Tanach?

1:41:59 How literally should we take the fact that Rav Chaim Kanievsky was the last gadol hador?

1:44:00 What is the general controversy between Rav Moshe Feinstein and the Satmar Rebbe? 

1:46:40 How does the Rav censor himself on camera versus off camera?

1:49:17 Outside of tzinus reasoning, are there permissibilities in movies and gaming if they are going to increase someone’s learning? 

1:51:24 What is it about Aramaic that we find such deep inyanim?

Produced by:
Cedar Media Studios

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mechitza, shadchanim
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