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Are the Divine Commandments for Us Or G-d?



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Rabbi Dr. David Gottlieb

Q&A: This short video answers the question -- Is it heretical (against the Torah) to Say "God Needs Us?"
Dovid Gottlieb (born Dale Victor Gottlieb) is a senior faculty member at Ohr Somayach in Jerusalem. An author and lecturer, Rabbi Gottlieb received his Ph.D. in mathematical logic at Brandeis University and later become (visiting) Associate Professor of Philosophy at Johns Hopkins University.[2] A student of Jean Van Heijenoort, he received a doctorate in 1970 for his thesis The Use of Formal Systems in Logic and Mathematics.[3] The Informed Soul was published by Artscroll in 1990, and has recently been reprinted.

Rabbis Yaron Reuven & Yosef Mizachi have said publicly in several videos that it is heretical to say "God Needs Us." Their comments were directed towards Rabbi Manis Friedman, who has said the idea in several of his Torah videos online. This video explains which side of this argument is correct.

Though the rabbi in this video does not mention sources to his statements, the ideas in this video have traditional Torah sources that support its content. Kabbalah and Jewish philosophy, Rav Chaim of Volozhin (Nefesh HaChaim); the Kabbalist Rav Yehoshua Horawitz (known as the Shelah HaKadosh and other great rabbis over the ages.

**IMPORTANT NOTE: Though saying and or teaching the idea that God need us, is not heretic it must be pointed out that without explaining the depth of the idea it can be misunderstood and lead to ideas about God that are not correct.

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