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Rabbi YY Jacobson

Chassidus: Torah Ohr: Beshalach Az Yashir #4
"I Can Deal with Pain, Not with the Stories Around the Pain"

This text-based class, the 4th class in the Maamar of the Baal HaTanya, Az Yashir, Torah Ohr Parshas Beshalach, was presented by Rabbi YY Jacobson on Monday, Parshas Yisro, 19 Shevat, 5781, February 1, 2021, live from Rabbi Jacobson's home in Monsey, NY.

Dedicated by Nathaniel Yitzchak Grynpas, in loving memory of his wife, Talia bas Rachamim and Rivkah shlita, who passed away on 19 Shevat, 5778, at the age of 36. A pillar of wisdom, humility, faith, and kindness, Talia's dedication to her family and community in Sederot was awe-inspiring. And in the merit of her children, Hadassah Malka, Israel, and Meir Chayim.

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Shemot-Beshalach Trauma - Травма
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