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True Reality is Spirituality



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Chevra Rav Moshe Chaim

Hello Chevra,
We are quickly approaching Purim. A time of happiness. A time of Joy. SIMCHA!!!
Come pare this with the idea of our torturous slavery in Mitzraim (Egypt). This is the begging of the Jewish people. This is where we were right before we encamped at Mt. Sinai and eventually entered the Holy Land... Israel.
In Egypt we had nothing but pain and struggle.
The Jews of that time were on the 49th level of tumah (impurity).

And yet, we survived.
Not only that, we thrived.
We conquered.

How did we get through all of that?

Because we stuck with the Torah. We never gave up our hope in God.

This is because we were attached to TRUE life.

By realizing that this life in the physical world exists for the sole purpose of revealing the sparks of spirituality and Godliness trapped and concealed within it. Through deepening our understanding, expanding our minds, and building a relationship with the Infinite Creator of the universe by learning Torah and doing mitzvos, may we merit to see the coming of Moshaich and the Rebuilding of the Beis HaMikdash speedily in our days!

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