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Why is Moshiach called a "Metzorah"?



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• The Gemara asks" what is Moshiach's name? Metzorah of the house of Rebbe is his name..."
• "we thought of him as carrying on him our sins, afflicted by G-d..."
• about Moshiach it says that he is "very exalted", greater then Adam Harishin,
• and here is described a a Metzorah who suffers from our sins.
• The pains that Moshiach suffers are actually very high supernal lights
• When these supernal lights are not properly garbed in vessels, then they give life to the external forces (Forces of Evil) -- which then conceal G-dliness and manifest chaos in the world and our lives.
• What we are learning about the Metzorah -- we are learning about us -- the Gemara calls Moshiach the Metzorah of the house of Rebbe - referring to us after we receive the supernal lights of Tohu, but so long as they are not internalized in vessels of Tikun.
• The Metzorah is called an "Adam" -- kabbalistically referring to the highest form reachable by man. And yet on this man's external aspects he is still incomplete, and hence the lights brought down due to this person's attainment of the level of "Adam" are not internalized, then they feed the external forces.
• This is how the Gemara can refer to Moshiach is a Metzorah, even though in other places Moshaich is referred to as the greatest of levels, far superior to the rest of the generation. At the time of the end of the exile, when Moshiach (as well as collectively the entire Jewish people) have reached this highest level, but before this level is internalized and garbed in the material world, he is called a Metzorah.
• The ailments become revealed good through "light of day" -- the study of the esoteric aspects of the Torah, and applying those principles in our lives enables the proper internalization of the lights of Tohu in vessels of Tikun -- which is what the Rebbe said on 28 Nissan 5751 is the only thing left by us to "receive Moshiach" and bring about the true and complete redemption.
• Because the ailments of the Metzorah are only on his "external aspects" = meaning our ailments of exile are not truly part of who we are are, but rather -- signs of where we need to complete are work -- then we don't have to add great things to heal the ailments.
• All we have to do is reveal that the source of the ailments in our lives are supernal lights, and by taking note of where in our lives we are "incomplete" -- we will automatically reverse these ailments into revealed blessing.
• "the spirit of impurity I will remove from the land" -- impurity is "seeing the simple G-dly unity in creation" -- "impurity" means seeing "multiple forces' controlling creation.
• Another key aspect in the teachings of the Metzorah -- the Metzorah is a result of "running without returning" -- as in the sin of Nadav and Avihu.
• The most direct way for us to internalize and apply what is already in us -- is by learning the inner dimensions of the Torah, specifically the matters that deal with redemption and Moshiach.

in English
Mashiach - Машиах
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