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Murder At a Purim Feast?!



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Rabbi YY Jacobson

In One of the Strangest Talmudic Stories, One Sage Slaughters His Colleague During Their Purim Drinking.

In one of the most bizarre Talmudic stories (Megilah 7b), two of the greatest Talmudic sages feast on Purim together. They are inebriated and one of them slaughters his friend. The next day he brings him back to life. The following year he invites his colleague for another Purim meal.

This fascinating class, based on an address of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, re-invents the meaning of the story, and applies it to our daily struggle to link heaven and earth. As the Wine of Torah Flowed Like Water, the soul left Its container.














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Purim - Пурим
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