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The life and legacy of Harav Ovadia Yosef



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Rabbi Yaakov Moskowitz

Watch this powerful video about the life and legacy of Harav Ovadia Yosef zt”l to commemorate his upcoming yahrzeit (3 Cheshvon) by Rabbi Yaakov Moskowitz.

Rabbi Moskowitz continues to inspire people across the globe through his dynamic and engaging lectures, as well as his popular motivational videos that are featured by TorahAnytime as well as Chazaq. He has touched the lives of Jews of all backgrounds through serving as campus Rabbi at Stonybrook University for Aish and Olami, and his current position as Director of Adult Education for Yeshiva Toras Chaim Toras Emes in Miami FL.

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Jewish History - Еврейская История
Harav Ovadia Yosef
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