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Emunah at Work



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Rabbi Sholom Mordechai Rubashkin

In this week's episode we had the honor, to host a remarkable and memorable, person. A man who from unfortunate events rose to the secular headlines, but it was his utter devotion and trust in G-d that reverberated and inspired Jews around the world with his Never-ending spirit and faith. A man has gained widespread recognition in the past few years and a man that has treasures to share. Welcome to this special episode with Sholom Rubashkin, the man who made Emunah and Bitachon "mainstream".

Sit down with Sholom, as he walks you through emunah and bitachon. Learn why the Medrash considers it a chiyuv to work. Understand the most important times when you should have emunah and bitachon. (It's not 'only' the hard times!) Gain a first-hand account that you can continue to watch over and over again. And most of all, walk away with renewed emunah, a renewed gratitude in the Borei Olam, and the recognition of Hashem in our own very full lives.
In writing this about this, it's hard to sum up the magnetism, the courage, and the sincere happiness that radiates from every word that was spoken. It is our sincere hope that this episode changes your life... If you let it.

"Hashem is creating you at every moment!"

- Sholom Rubashkin
in english
Emunah - Вера
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