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Power and Meaning of Prayer - 3 - Korbanot, Pesukei d'Zimrah, Shema



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Rabbi Efraim Palvanov

What is the deeper meaning behind the words of Tefilah? Explore the wonderful world of Jewish prayer and meditation in this third part of a series that goes through the entire siddur.

In Part 3, we explore the texts of Korbanot and Ketoret, the sacrifices and incense offering, as well as the Pesukei d'Zimrah ("Verses of Song"), the power of Psalms, and the deeper meaning of the Shema. Included in the discussion is a brief history of the Jerusalem Temple, the development of Jewish prayer over the centuries, the mystical foundations of Tefilah, as well as the surprising origins of the Star of David.

The earlier class on the Sefirot, the Shema that was referenced to can be seen here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ltVLu40Zms8

For more on the nature of sacrifices in the future Third Temple, see here: https://www.mayimachronim.com/will-there-be-sacrifices-in-the-third-temple/
in english

Prayer - Молитва
Zohar, Kabbalah, Jewish mysticism, Korbanot, Pesukei d'Zimrah, Shema
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