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Accurate Hashkafa or Ideology for a Kosher Life



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Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi

0:00:42 product of a yeshiva vs product of ignorance
i) keeping the commandments (shomer mitzvot)
ii) aiming to fix one's negativ charactertraits
iii) having pure Jewish IDEOLOGY (hashkafa)
0:08:18 half-n-half people with salad in their head
0:09:18 partially COMMUNIST, partially MUSLIM
0:13:23 examples of ppl with CORRUPTED hashkafa
0:17:03 black hat men admire the gay filth with kippa who lives with a husband
0:19:14 what's the point of the law of execution if it was never used?
0:23:04 Chazon Ish: Enuma v Bitachon - book
0:24:57 the value of a sad crying
0:28:22 the house of a real Talmid Chochom
0:31:25 how does having the wrong hashkafa feel?
0:32:07 R. Avigdor Miller books, the PERFECT Jewish ideology
0:33:15 example of hashkafa in a parsha
0:37:08 the famous story with the hiloni
0:42:09 MODE - greatefulness, the life of a Jew
0:48:00 how to pray for the healing of wicked people?
0:49:59 if you love s.one who hates God you hate God too
0:52:20 religious Jews who defend directly or indirectly those who:
- spit on the Torah
- make obamination parades
- spread heresy
- fight yeshivot
- help the Hamas to kill Jews
0:53:11 the story of Rav Kahana's son, Salik
1:04:49 how does a bad Hashkafa destroy a person?
1:05:38 even non-Jews read Rav Avigdor Miller's books: within months you'll see a light you've never seen before
1:06:56 a joke from Rav Avigdor Miller, the legend of the generation.
in english
Miscellaneous - Разное
hashkafa, ideology, kosher life
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