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Chevra Rav Moshe Chaim

Let's start this week out strong with some AWESOME Torah!

In today's class Rav Moshe Chaim delves into the ethereal concept of God's light—beyond physical illumination but representing the divine energy and influence.

The main topic of discuss is unraveling the depth of how God's light encompasses everything, yet nothing in the world can influence or grasp it.

Want to take the next steps in personal growth and character refinement?

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Discover the intricate layers of God's relationship with the world, where God remains unaffected by worldly changes while simultaneously surrounding and influencing the world.

Using captivating analogies, Rav MC illustrates how our understanding of the world differs from God's relationship with creation.

Explore the concept that God's thought energy initiates the genesis of creation, leading to the powerful articulation of creation through speech.

Witness the eloquent explanation of how the higher divine thought interfaces with the physical world, allowing for detailed and delineated creations to manifest.

Join the Chevra on this journey of enlightenment and deeper understanding of the divine intricacies that shape our existence and reality as a whole.

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Mashiach - Машиах
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