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How Can You Know If You Are The MaShiach or The Prophet?



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Rabbi Yaron Reuven

Do you or someone you know think you may be the MaShiach or perhaps "just a prophet?" Each week there are more and more people who claim that they are the Chosen One, and while its easy to simply ignore, perhaps its time we learned the Prophecy Test. We've all heard some of the "False Messiah" stories of past generations that were exposed by the Jewish Sages or the test of time. But how did the Sages know?

0:00:00 Introduction
0:04:24 Prerequisites for Prophecy: What It Takes to Be a Prophet
0:06:53 Chazon Ish Speaks Wisdom from the Heart, Living the Truth
0:10:28 Adam Rishon, The First Prophet
0:13:06 G-d's Communication as Perceived by the Prophets
0:16:32 G-d Wants Man to Become a Partner in Creation
0:19:13 After Cain Killed His Brother Abel, He Could Still Hear G-d's Voice
0:21:31 G-d's Communication as Perceived by the Prophets (cont.)
0:23:23 Any Person Who Possesses a Haughtiness of Spirit, the Holy One, Blessed Is He, Said: I and He Cannot Dwell Together in the World (Sota 5a)
0:25:32 Primary Reason We Don't Have Prophecy In Our Generation
0:30:46 Opposites, Body & Soul and Tzelem Elokim
0:33:41 Treat His Will as Your Will, in Order That He May Treat Your Will as His Will (Avos 2)
0:34:21 Process to Get Pleasure from Doing the Will of Hashem
0:34:43 The True Taste of Torah (Or HaChaim)
0:35:35 Predisposition to Materialism
0:42:35 Prerequisites for Prophecy: A New Priority LIst, Lessen Your Connection to Material
0:43:57 "Until a Person Prays that Torah Should Enter His Body, Let Him Pray That Delicacies Not Enter into His Body"
0:48:32 Why Would Heretics Want to Materialize G-d?
0:53:36 Anyone Who Says that the Holy One, Blessed is He, is Disregarding of Sin—His Life shall Be Disregarded (Bava Kamma 50a)
0:54:18 Prerequisites for Righteous Path to Prophecy
0:54:52 Rambam's Clear Instructions: Foundational Belief Of Prophecy (Yesodei HaTorah Ch. 7)
0:58:51 Ben Ish Chai's Perspective of Moshiach Coming Next Year
1:01:13 R. Shteinman's Response to an Ignoramus Claiming to Be Moshiach
1:03:31 Prophecy Bestowed Only Upon Wise Sage of Strong Character (Yesodei HaTorah Ch. 7)
1:07:01 More on Prerequisites for Prophecy (Yesodei HaTorah Ch. 7)
1:11:50 Moses Perfecting His Character Traits, Overcoming His Yetzer Hara and His Big Test
1:19:05 More on Prerequisites for Prophecy (cont.)
1:32:40 Conclusion
1:38:34 Be'Ezrat Hashem: Make Eternal Investment
in english
Mashiach - Машиах
mashiach, prophet
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