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Tanya Chapter 23 - "Unity of G-D" Via Torah & Mitzvot



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Tanya By Rabbi Yitzchok Minkowicz Chapter 23

"Unity of G-D"
Level 4
By Studying Torah & Doing the Mitzvot

Based on the "Zohar" that Torah & G-D are one. & in Tikunei Zohar that the 248 positive Mitzvot/Commandments are the 248 limbs of G-D

The oneness one created by doing Mitzvot.
פנימיות רצון ה׳

The greater unity one creates by Studying Torah.

Additional benefits of studying Torah.

1) You can connect in a personal way with the all encompassing light that is usually not internalized.

2) You can experience true reverence for G-D.

Two levels of reverence one before & one after learning.

Live Tanya Class at Chabad Thursday Evening at 6:30P.M.

A Project of
Chabad Lubavitch of Southwest Florida
5620 Winkler Road
Fort Myers, FL 33919
[email protected]

A Special thanks to David Perez for Video Taping the Class

in English
Holy Books
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