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Rabbi Levi Notik
This Moshiach Mystery Shiurim series titled “GEULA COUNTDOWN”. This week Shiur is about the resurrection of the dead. Waking up with the burial clothing or with the cloth they used to wear at their lifetime? Waking up with the defects and diseases used to have in their lifetime or all healed up perfectly? Shiur is given by Rabbi Levi Notik at Congregation Bnei Ruven in Chicago IL.
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Moshiach Mystery is a project of Congregation Bnei Ruven in Chicago, IL. We aim to bring Shiurim to the community and online on the topic of Moshiach and Geulah. These Shiurim include the teachings of the Chabad-Lubavitch Rebbeim all the way back to the Alter Rebbe, and his predecessors - the Maggid of Mezeritch and Rabbi Yisroel Baal Shem Tov. These Shiurim often include sources from Tanach, Gemora, Rishonim and Acharonim . Many of the classes are predicated on the wisdom and inspirational teachings of the 7th Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson.
Recorded, Edited and brought to you online by R' Zohar Harari, Chicago IL.
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שיעורי תורה בעיניני משיח וגאולה באנגלית. מקורות מהתנ"ך, גמרא, מדרש, זהר, ראשונים, אחרונים ורבני חסידות הככלית ובעיקר חסידות חב"ד.
Moshiach Mystery Shiurim full list:
Current Shiurim Series
GC1: by Rabbi Levi Notik
GC2: by Rabbi ??????
GC3: by Rabbi ???????
This Moshiach Mystery Shiurim series titled “GEULA COUNTDOWN”. This week Shiur is about the resurrection of the dead. Waking up with the burial clothing or with the cloth they used to wear at their lifetime? Waking up with the defects and diseases used to have in their lifetime or all healed up perfectly? Shiur is given by Rabbi Levi Notik at Congregation Bnei Ruven in Chicago IL.
Get the Shiurim - SUBSCRIBE & also click on the bell.
Moshiach Mystery is a project of Congregation Bnei Ruven in Chicago, IL. We aim to bring Shiurim to the community and online on the topic of Moshiach and Geulah. These Shiurim include the teachings of the Chabad-Lubavitch Rebbeim all the way back to the Alter Rebbe, and his predecessors - the Maggid of Mezeritch and Rabbi Yisroel Baal Shem Tov. These Shiurim often include sources from Tanach, Gemora, Rishonim and Acharonim . Many of the classes are predicated on the wisdom and inspirational teachings of the 7th Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson.
Recorded, Edited and brought to you online by R' Zohar Harari, Chicago IL.
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שיעורי תורה בעיניני משיח וגאולה באנגלית. מקורות מהתנ"ך, גמרא, מדרש, זהר, ראשונים, אחרונים ורבני חסידות הככלית ובעיקר חסידות חב"ד.
Moshiach Mystery Shiurim full list:
Current Shiurim Series
GC1: by Rabbi Levi Notik
GC2: by Rabbi ??????
GC3: by Rabbi ???????
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