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Misplaced mercy



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Rabbi Laredo

Reb Leib Heyman - Parashat Vayishlach
Misplaced mercy and the only solution to peace in the Middle-East.

- If you have any questions in regards to our Torah classes, please feel free to contact Rabbi Laredo directly at 954-706-2141 or email [email protected]

- If you would like to Dedicate and Sponsor a class for the speedy recovery, in honor of, or in memory of a loved one please contact us, or go to our website www.miamitorahcenter.org/donate.

- May the merit of our Torah study bring you and your family an abundance of blessings.

For more classes go to www.youtube.com/rabbilaredo​​​​​​​

in English
Bereshit-Vayishlach Mercy - Милосердие
vayishlach, mercy
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