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Passover Q & A



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Rabbi David Bar-Hayim

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Torah from the head of Machon Shilo, Rabbi David Bar-Hayim

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00:00 Intro
00:18 Can one have protein powder with dextrose on Passover?
02:52 Can one own vinegar, acetic acid, or ingredients containing them on Passover?
05:02 Does pure corn (or any non-chametz) alcohol have to be kosher for Passover?
07:32 Does non-kosher for Passover alcohol not from chametz need to be disposed?
08:17 Are baking soda, baking powder, or any types of yeast chametz? Do they need a hechsher?
14:19 Can a non-Jew use one's toaster for chametz on Passover?
14:41 Does one need to kasher a hot plate or plata for Passover? How?
17:09 Can Corelle be kashered during the year and on Passover?
23:19 Can one eat a jam made before Passover with non-kashered stainless steel utensils on the holiday?
24:17 During Passover, one eat non-chametz food that had been made before the holiday with utensils that hadn't been kashered yet?
26:59 Should we be eating imitation chametz products on Pesach? What about children?
28:33 Do single-ingredient products need a hechsher for Passover, like dried fruits, coconut oil, and kitniyot in open bins?
31:46 Does sunflower oil (and oils in general) need to have a hechsher for Passover?
32:56 For baking matza on baking stones on a grill, must one kasher the grill (and if so, how)? Would the matzah be basari/fleishig?
35:59 Does the addition of oil, honey, eggs, or salt affect the rate at which dough ferments? What is the time limit for making matzah ashira?
42:13 Is there any reason to be concerned about one buy matzah ashira in shops?
43:02 Apart from the korban pesach, how would a seder according to minhag eretz yisrael look like?
47:56 At what degree of severity of an allergic reaction is one exempt from eating foods during the seder? Should one take Benadryl begore the seder to eat the foods, if it allows them to?
51:19 How can a type I diabetic fulfill their obligation of drinking four cups?
53:09 What does the Rav think of multiple people reading different parts of the haggada?
53:47 What does the Rav think of spilling 10 drops of wine for the plagues and then washing them off?
57:15 How much karpas should be eaten, and should a blessing be said after it?
58:15 Can the karpas be part of a larger dipping course?
59:21 If one does say the blessing after karpas, what is its correct nusach?
59:50 Which of the four cups should have blessings said before and after them?
1:01:41 All year round, should one say a blessing on the wine over which one says birkat hamazon?
1:02:38 How quickly must one drink the wine of the four cups?
1:03:50 Should a fifth cup be poured for Hallel haGadol?
1:04:24 Must the cups be filled all the way up, or just for a revi'it?
1:04:58 May one eat roasted meat on the seder?
1:05:27 Can you shave for Passover or Yom haAtzma'ut if you're in your shloshim?
1:05:43 What items may be carried on yomim tovim?
1:06:08 Can one go shopping for please on chol haMoed?
1:07:16 What should one do with their tefillin on chol haMoed if their synagogue doesn't wear them?
1:11:04 Clarification: Roasted meat
1:11:50 When to switch from praying for rain to dew on the first day of Passover?
1:13:00 Can one bake matzah using an electric stove?
1:14:03 Can people hit each other with scallions and onions during "Dayenu"?
1:15:28 Closing thoughts
1:17:19 Outro

Passover - Песах
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