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Rabbi Avrohom Stulberger

Parsha Tazria (#Torah4You)
The Parshah Tazria continues the discussion of the laws of tumah v’taharah (ritual impurity and purity). A woman giving birth should undergo a process of purification, which includes immersing in a mikvah (a naturally gathered pool of water) and bringing offerings to the Temple in Jerusalem. All male infants are to be circumcised on the eighth day of life.
Tzaraat (often mistaken with "leprosy") is a supra-natural plague, which also can afflict garments. If white or pink patches appear on a person's skin (dark red or green on garments), a Kohen has to examine the outbreak. Judging by various signs, such as an increase in size of the afflicted area after a seven-day quarantine, the Kohen pronounces it tamei (impure) or tahor (pure). Presented by http://www.Torah4You.com

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