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How Do I Help Struggling Children? How Do I Create Attachment?



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Rabbi Shimon Russell & YY Jacobson

In honor of a recent "Kesher Nafshi" fundraiser, Rabbi YY Jacobson interviewed world-renowned therapist Rabbi Shimon Russell, author of "Raising a Loving Family." This was on Sunday 9 Adar I, 5784, Feb 18, 2024.
The conversation between Rabbi Russell & Rabbi Jacobson explored how to raise a loving family in our times, how to educate, inspire, and mentor our children, providing them with their physical, emotional, and spiritual needs, so that they can grow up to be healthy, happy and inspired human-beings and Jews. The conversation also focused on Crisis-Chinuch, dealing with struggling children of all ages.
The conversation explored the duty and opportunity for parents to heal themselves and confront their own coping mechanisms and wounds so that they can show up for their children authentically and vulnerably, without using their children as tools to numb their own pain.
For more information about Kesher Nafshi which helps parents with struggling children https://keshernafshi.org/
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