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Rav Noach Isaac Oelbaum - Rav, K’hal Nachalas Yitzchak

Rabbi Noach Isaac Oelbaum has been a leading force in Queens, NY, for the past thirty-three years, as Mora D'Asra of Khal Nachlas Yitzchok. Rabbi Oelbaum has influenced an entire generation by his deep Avodas Hashem, his unbounded warmth and his calm reassuring personality. Rabbi Oelbaum is the renowned author of many seforim on Sugios of Shas, Rambam - Hilchos Teshuva and the Hagadah. Rabbi Oelbaum reaches out to everyone in the United States as a Maggid Shiur on Dial-A-Daf and Dial-A-Shiur. Yet, with this normally exhausting schedule, he still finds time to help and lead his Kehillah with unbounded energy.

From the center of the world and the city that unifies all Jews, Yeshivat Hakotel is proud to present an unprecedented Pre-Tisha B’av Worldwide Achdut Program. Visit vayichan.com for more info!

The song Acheinu was sung by Kol Zimra. Inspiring Jewish Harmony. It's what we do and who we aspire to be. www.KolZimra.com and www.KolTefilla.org.
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