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I lived in the house of the greatest cheater in the world



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There are many times where we lift our eyes to heaven and we say ‘Hashem, why is there so much evil in the world, what am I supposed to do when I see people doing something wrong?’

Yaakov Avinu said עִם לָבָן גַּרְתִּי - I lived in the house of the greatest cheater in the world, ותרי"ג מצות שמרתי - and I managed to stand my ground and do what I need to, ולא למדתי ממעשיו הרעים - and I didn’t learn from his bad deeds.

Said the holy Vizhnitzer Rebbe z”l from Bnei Brak: ולא למדתי ממעשיו הרעים - Yaakov Avinu said, you know what I learned from his bad deeds? ולא - what not to do! I took his example and I learned what not to be.

Everything can be transformed into a positive lesson…
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