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The Mind Once Enlightened Cannot Become Dark



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Rabbi YY Jacobson

Women's Eikev Class| Why the Restlessness? Why the Brokenness? Once I See Truth, There Is No Going Back

This class was presented on Tuesday, Parshas Eikev, 19 Av, 5782, August 16, 2022, at 18 Forshay, Bais Medrash Ohr Chaim in Monsey, NY.

Why do the Broken Tablets remain such a great source of inspiration to the point that we took them to war? Why did Moshe feel the need to break the tablets? Why do we compare the death of the Tzaddik to the breaking of the tablets? Why the restlessness so many of us possess?
Come on a journey into the types of relationships that redefine you at your core, because they are engraved in your soul. Once I taste infinity, once I see truth, there is no going back.
This class is based on an address presented by the Lubavitcher Rebbe on 20 Av, 5732, July 31, 1972.

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