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If G-d Wants Circumcision, Why Are We Born Without It?



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Rabbi YY Jacobson

The Core Dilemma of Modern Physics - How Did Consciousness Become Matter?
Torah Ohr Lech Lecha Bris Milah #1 | If G-d Wants Circumcision, Why Are We Born Without It?

This class was presented on Tuesday Parshas Lech Lecha, 7 Cheshvan, 5783, November 1, 2022, at Bais Medrash Ohr Chaim in Monsey, NY.

This text-based class is on the discourse by the Alter Rebbe in Torah Ohr Lech Lecha, "V'lo Yikara Od Shimcha Avram," exploring the secret of the Bris, the circumcision of a child. It was presented by the Alter Rebbe before the Bris of his great-grandson, Reb Baruch Sholom, in 1805.
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in english
Bereshit-Lech Lecha
lech lecha, Circumcision
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