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Lag Baomer Dance Mix



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Rabbi Benny

Enjoy a fun dance mix of children's songs from Rabbi B.
Songs include:
Hiveinu Shalom Alechem
Oseh Shalom
Amar Rabbi Akiva
Hinei Ma Tov
Hashem is Here
and Torah Tziva

The songs repeat three times, it is recommended that you keep the video on repeat for a longer Lag BaOmer dance party.

Lag BaOmer the 33rd day of the Sefirat HaOmer. It is the day a terrible plague for the Jewish people ended during the times of Rabbi Akiva. It is also the anniversary of the passing of Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai, Rabbi Akiva's star student and one of the fathers of Kabbalastic teachings.

Lag BaOmer is typically celebrated outdoors with Torah learning, games and a bonfire.

Lag BaOmer Sameach!

in english
Lag B'Omer - Лаг Ба Омер Kid's Torah
lag b'omer, dance mix, music
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