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Rabbi, someone spoke lashon hara about me



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Ask the Rabbi Live with Rabbi Chaim Mintz

Be forgiving. It can be difficult to ask for forgiveness because the victim doesn’t know about it, so try in a roundabout way, or on Erev Yom Kippur.

Oorah's founder, Rabbi Chaim Mintz, delivers a weekly Tuesday night class at Oorah's "Torah Spot" in Staten Island. The class is streamed live at http://www.oorah.org/rabbimintzlive each Tuesday night at 8:30pm

"Ask the Rabbi Live" session begins at 9:00. Send your question to be answered by Rabbi Mintz by submitting it to [email protected]

All questions are welcome!

in English
Forgiveness - Прощение Evil Speech - Злословие
forgiveness, lashon hara, evil speech
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