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Bar Yochai Song



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Rabbi Benny

In this song, Rabbi B plays the role of Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai, an ancient rabbi from the times of the Mishna. Together with some friends, Rabbi B reminds us that Rabbi Shimon was a very important rabbi from ancient history. Rabbi Shimon taught us that learning Torah and having love for ones fellow go together and are very important in the life of a Jewish person.

Once there was a man,
Rabbi Shimon was his name,
He taught a lot of Torah,
And lit a holy flame.

The Romans didn’t like it
And so he had to run,
Thirteen years of hiding
In a cave with his son.

Bar Yochai,
Taught us to love,
Taught us lots of Torah,
And about the one above

Bar Yochai,
When he passed away,
He gave us Lag BaOmer
As a very special day.

So we remember him
By caring for each other,
We treat our friends with love,
Like a sister or a brother.

So, take out your Torah books,
Don’t be shy or hide,
Gather all your friends around,
And spend the day outside.

Bar Yochai...

The story of Lag BaOmer and Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai is a very exiting and interesting one. Rabbi B highly recommends reading all about it. The main source of the story is in the Talmud Shabbos page 33B.

in english
Kid's Torah
Lag Ba'Omer, Song
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