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Messianic Identification



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Rabbi Mendel Kaplan

This series features an in-depth study - in 120-byte size segments - on the Twelfth Principles of our Jewish Faith, Belief in the coming of The Messiah (Moshiach). Drawing on a wide range of classic and contemporary commentaries ultimately addressing the burning issue of passive Anticipation vs active Awaiting?


In the previous two episodes we clarified expectation of this anticipated Messianic Redeemer. The legal ruling of Maimonides (Rambam) on is clear: He will not have to make miracles to proves his bona fides.

Further addressing this matter, the Rambam seems to overreach, or even conflate disparate issues. After all, the question is identifying the long-awaited Redeemer of Israel not the veracity of claims laid to prophecy.

To bolster the question, copious cross-references are introduced to highlight the apparently superfluous nature of Maimonides's surprising conclusion.

Here you'll discover how the Non-Miracle method of describing the way we should positively I.D. the real Moshiach, is actually Rambam's way of defining His truest Essence, Purpose and Persona!

This is the Thirteenth episode in an ongoing study series on The Geula, our final Redemption generally referred to as the Coming of The Messiah (Moshiach).
in english
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