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Rabbi Yitzchak Breitowitz
Ask the Rabbi With Rabbi Dr. Yitzchak Breitowitz
The subject of abortion has many perspectives, religious, political, moral, social and legal. Roe vs Wade has brought the discussion all the way to the supreme court. There are many issues and sides to it: some are pro choice, some pro abortion, some pro life. Some look at is as a women's rights issue, claiming a woman should be able to do what she decides with here own body, even if it means killing an un born baby.
What does God have to say about all this? What do we know from the Bible, Torah? What insights and traditions do we have from Orthodox Judaism and the rabbis that represent Halacha, Jewish Law?
Rabbi Yitzchak Breitowitz, a world-renowned Rav and lecturer, currently resides in Jerusalem, Israel. In addition to his expertise on most Jewish topics like Bible Study, Jewish Laws and Customs, Kabbalah and Spirituality, Torah and Science, Parenting and Education, Jewish Prayer and personal growth and character development, he is a graduate of Johns Hopkins University and Harvard Law School (JD, 1979, Magna Cum Laude), and a tenured professor of law at the University of Maryland specializing in contracts, commercial law, and medical ethics.
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**ABOUT OUR CHANNEL***Welcome to our new channel, Wisdom for the Soul. Our goal is to help us all live a better life, with true meaning and purpose, according to the wisdom of God. We believe that God's Wisdom is for all people to benefit from. Here are some of the topics we will be teaching: Kabbalah & Mysticism Spirituality Bible Studies Jewish Practice Jewish Philosophy Torah & Science and more. Here are some of the Rabbis we will be presenting: Rabbi Yitzchak Bteitowitz Rabbi Yom Tov Glaser Rabbi Akiva Tatz Rabbi Yitzchak Botton Rabbi Gavrien Friedman Rabbi Paysach Krohn and many more. ***We hope you enjoy your experience here and look forward to hearing from you.***Check out our channel here:'t forget to subscribe! **Here are some other Youtube channels you may like JLI - Jewish Learning Institute, Hidabroot, Rabbi Manas Friedman Friedman**
#Roe_vs_Wade #Abortion #RabbiYitzchakBreitowitz
#roevwade #prochoice #abortion #prolife #abortionrights #womensrights #mybodymychoice #humanrights #reproductiverights #plannedparenthood #abortionismurder #abolishabortion #righttolife #chooselife #abortionishealthcare #reproductivejustice #endabortion #feminist #prolifegeneration #stopthebans #abortionaccess #feminism #unbornlivesmatter #prolifegen #proabortion #wewontgoback #scotus #conservative #myrightmydecision #equality
in english
Ask the Rabbi With Rabbi Dr. Yitzchak Breitowitz
The subject of abortion has many perspectives, religious, political, moral, social and legal. Roe vs Wade has brought the discussion all the way to the supreme court. There are many issues and sides to it: some are pro choice, some pro abortion, some pro life. Some look at is as a women's rights issue, claiming a woman should be able to do what she decides with here own body, even if it means killing an un born baby.
What does God have to say about all this? What do we know from the Bible, Torah? What insights and traditions do we have from Orthodox Judaism and the rabbis that represent Halacha, Jewish Law?
Rabbi Yitzchak Breitowitz, a world-renowned Rav and lecturer, currently resides in Jerusalem, Israel. In addition to his expertise on most Jewish topics like Bible Study, Jewish Laws and Customs, Kabbalah and Spirituality, Torah and Science, Parenting and Education, Jewish Prayer and personal growth and character development, he is a graduate of Johns Hopkins University and Harvard Law School (JD, 1979, Magna Cum Laude), and a tenured professor of law at the University of Maryland specializing in contracts, commercial law, and medical ethics.
We hope you enjoy this video "Roe vs Wade & Abortion: What Does God Have to Say?"
***Please comment if you have any question***
**ABOUT OUR CHANNEL***Welcome to our new channel, Wisdom for the Soul. Our goal is to help us all live a better life, with true meaning and purpose, according to the wisdom of God. We believe that God's Wisdom is for all people to benefit from. Here are some of the topics we will be teaching: Kabbalah & Mysticism Spirituality Bible Studies Jewish Practice Jewish Philosophy Torah & Science and more. Here are some of the Rabbis we will be presenting: Rabbi Yitzchak Bteitowitz Rabbi Yom Tov Glaser Rabbi Akiva Tatz Rabbi Yitzchak Botton Rabbi Gavrien Friedman Rabbi Paysach Krohn and many more. ***We hope you enjoy your experience here and look forward to hearing from you.***Check out our channel here:'t forget to subscribe! **Here are some other Youtube channels you may like JLI - Jewish Learning Institute, Hidabroot, Rabbi Manas Friedman Friedman**
#Roe_vs_Wade #Abortion #RabbiYitzchakBreitowitz
#roevwade #prochoice #abortion #prolife #abortionrights #womensrights #mybodymychoice #humanrights #reproductiverights #plannedparenthood #abortionismurder #abolishabortion #righttolife #chooselife #abortionishealthcare #reproductivejustice #endabortion #feminist #prolifegeneration #stopthebans #abortionaccess #feminism #unbornlivesmatter #prolifegen #proabortion #wewontgoback #scotus #conservative #myrightmydecision #equality
in english
- Category
- Abortion - Аборты
- Tags
- abortion, Roe vs Wade
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