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Rabbi, are we on course for the next holocaust?



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Ask the Rabbi Live with Rabbi Chaim Mintz

It's hard to know which direction Judaism is heading in. On the one hand, we are losing Jews left and right to assimilation and intermarriage. On the other hand, all over the world the observant Jewish population is exploding and Torah study is booming. Hopefully, we are headed in the latter direction, heralding the era of Mashiach.

Oorah's founder, Rabbi Chaim Mintz, delivers a weekly Tuesday night class at Oorah's "Torah Spot" in Staten Island. The class is streamed live at http://www.oorah.org/rabbimintzlive each Tuesday night at 8:30pm

"Ask the Rabbi Live" session begins at 9:00. Send your question to be answered by Rabbi Mintz by submitting it to [email protected]
in english

Q & A
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