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Why So Many Torah Laws for Romance?



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Rabbi YY Jacobson

Why Do We Fear G-d? Why So Many Torah Laws for Romance?

Likkutei Torah Bamidbar Maamar "Vayedaber" #5. The class explores the meaning of "fearing G-d," according to Chassidic teachings, and two levels of fear, the higher and the lower. It also explores the process of Jewish marriage, where intimacy can only be followed the external framework of marriage represented by the betrothal ring.

The class was presented in Or Chaim shul, in Monsey, NY, before Shavuos 5776, 2016.

For Source Sheets: http://www.theyeshiva.net/jewish/2849

in English
Emunah - Вера Intimacy - Интимность
romance, intimacy, marriage, emunah
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