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What's The Hardest Trait To Master?



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Rabbi Yaron Reuven

0:00:00 Introduction
0:05:56 Pekudei: Bezalel's Ruach HaKodesh (Ex. 38 v. 22)
0:07:32 Moshe's Extraordinary Righteousness
0:08:02 Aware of the Truth, Yet Living a Lie
0:08:43 Living the Truth: The Hardest Character Trait to Master (R. Kanievsky)
0:09:17 Fear of Heaven & Humbling Oneself Required for Living the Truth
0:10:25 The Red Line of Beginning Living a Lie
0:11:24 No Prophet Will Be as Great as Moshe Rabbeinu
0:15:45 Lesson of Moshe Rabbeinu's Accounting: Be Clean in Eyes of Both G-d and Man
0:20:05 Silver was More Valuable than Gold at Time of Mt. Sinai; Why the Switch? (R. Deutsch)
0:26:58 Honesty vs Lying Outcome
0:27:37 The Four Keys to Success
0:27:53 (1) G-d
0:28:16 (2) Sages
0:32:05 Understanding the Point (Ponevezher Rav)
0:39:43 (3) Levites/Torah Scholars
0:40:13 (4) Honesty, Most Difficult
0:42:43 Immediate Reaction Assessment of Truthful Words of Sages
0:43:44 Whoever Derives Benefit from This World Without a Blessing is as if He Robs the Holy One, and the Assembly of Israel (Ber. 35b)
0:44:50 What is the Meaning of Blessing Hashem
0:47:40 What was the Purpose of Going to the Beit Hamikdash? (R. Auerbach)
0:50:58 What is The Purpose of Blessings? (Seven Mitzvot of the Sages)
0:53:50 It's About Accepting the Truth (Tests of Red Lines)
0:58:10 Don't Purchase Tefillin or Mezuzot from Just Anyone
1:04:18 Conclusion

1:10:20 Agunot and Get Refusal
1:20:27 Redemption & Salvation
1:20:54 Ripping the Quran
1:22:49 Merit to See Moshiach & Judgements
1:28:41 Thousand Years After Moshiach
1:31:02 How Many Jews Left Egypt and Entered the Land of Israel?
1:33:08 Who Makes BeEzrat HaShem Inc. Films?
1:34:01 The Whole World Will Know When Moshiach Arrives
1:45:14 How Can We Understand G-d's Message?
1:45:56 The Key is Teshuvah: For there is No Man So Wholly Righteous on Earth That He (always) Does Good and Never Sins (Eccl. 7 v. 20)
1:46:30 The Rabbi's German Channel
1:47:18 Three Halachic Criteria for Conversion
1:48:47 Rav Elchanan Wasserman Seforim
1:49:20 Free Palestine from Itself
1:50:57 Purim Breaks the Fast
1:51:37 Is it Lashon Hara When Speaking Solely to Hashem?
1:52:37 It is Easy to Do Mitzvot & Being Grateful
2:00:23 Manis the Menace
2:01:28 Vilna Gaon Against Chassidut
2:03:19 Assessing a Wife on Strike
2:04:43 Do Children Under 13 (Boys) or 12 (Girls) Convert with Family or Wait?
2:05:34 Why would a Jewish Soul Visit a Non-Jewish Soul in Their Heaven?
2:06:33 Ikar (Primary Food) and Tofel (Secondary Food); Many Nuances to Blessings
2:10:28 Can One Go to a Conservative Synagogue?
2:11:28 Can't Stereotype
2:13:23 Heretics, Not Rabbis, Torah Forbids Homosexuality
2:13:33 Public Schools
2:14:13 Against It, Because the Torah is Against It
2:14:34 The Falsehood of the New Testament
in english
Self Development - Саморазвитие Shemot-Vayakhel-Pekudei
pekudei, traits
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