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Emunah & Bitachon



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Emunah (Faith). Bitachon (Trust).

Join Rav Daniel Ventresca as he speaks on a variety of topics of spiritual and practical interest to Converts/Gerim, Returnees/Baalei Tshuva and Noahides/Bnei Noach.

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Rav Dror Moshe Cassouto brings to us rare honest pure Emunah principals of Rabbi Nachman. Our hope is that our Torah Videos will bring you closer to the Bore Olam (Creator of the Universe) and to serve Him with joy, faith, and trust (Simcha, Emuna and Bitachon).

Learn the real meaning of life, the real purpose in life available to you today! Find Fulfillment, Acceptance, Purpose for your life. Discover the good points in yourself and others, and Finding how to serve God with every aspect of your being: Your mind, Your talents, Your emotions.

Breslev teachings from Rabbi Dror Moshe Cassouto, Jerusalem, Israel. Torah Shiur / Shiurim.

in English
Emunah - Вера
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