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I sinned, because I didn't know



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Rabbi Yaron Reuven

In Parashat Balak we see HaShem saving Am Yisrael from the curse of Bilaam only to see them punished for their own sins thereafter. Why was Bilaam not punished right away after he sinned, while Am Yisrael was punished immediately? What is the meaning of Bilaam's statement "I sinned because I didn't know" and can any of us use the same excuse today?

Lastly, an extraordinary story from the Chafetz Chaim about how the Tzadikim use the Torah and Kabbalah to help Am Yisrael after they have sinned and the punishment arrived. After that we'll provide the answer to last week's halachic trivia question and provide another for everyone to think, learn, win, Enjoy, and Be Holy.
in english
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