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Shofar Game



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Rabbi B

In this fun video RABBI B asks the child viewer to identify the shofar correctly. Even though the game may be easy, it has some indirect learning outcomes. The child viewer will learn about two other kinds of horn instruments. The child viewer will notice that the shofar is something unique amongst the other horns, in that we use it on Rosh Hashanah.

TIP FOR EDUCATORS: Compare and contrast is an important cognitive skill in the early learner. Giving your child(ren) opportunities to see similarities and differences across subjects allows their perspective to broaden. You can ask them to identify how two things are alike and then how the two things differ.

TIP FOR PARENTS: Take your kids to a music store. They are free and provide amazing exposure to the wonderful world of music. Make sure it is a store that allows customers to touch and play, do not go to a high end store.

in english
Kid's Torah
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