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My Life After Death Experience



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Rabbi Alon Anava

After a near death experience, Alon Anava has changed his life from one end to the other. Alon Anava is a man blessed with a wide scope of talents. He has an artistic as well as an entrepreneurial spirit that has allowed him to be successful as an artist and as a businessman. He is currently a successful photographer and web developer.

Alon grew up in Ra'anana, Israel, where he was intensely trained in martial arts. He later pursued his training in Denmark under the tutelage of one of the greatest fighters known today. Through intense training, Alon further developed his innate ability to be in control of his environment. Where others might break under pressure, Alon Anava thrives and rises above all chaos maintaining balance at all times. He radiates a sense of completeness and humility without any false pretense whatsoever. In other words, 'what you see is what you get'.

However, this was not always the case. Before his life-altering experience, Alon would describe himself as, simply put, not nice. After facing death, and realizing the purpose of life, Alon transformed his very being. He diligently attends Yeshiva studying every day, and explores the depths of Torah, refining and elevating himself on a daily basis.

Alon has come back with a gift. He is able to connect to our creator in a very intimate way, allowing him to also connect intimately with others and really help them overcome their questions and concerns.

During his free time, he spends his time sharing his story in an attempt to make it as real for you as it is for him. On Thursday night, August 6th 2015, many men and women showed up for a special CHAZAQ event at Congregation Beit Eliyahu with Alon Anava, which was dedicated in loving memory of Ronit bat Anya. Alon told over his story of his ‘Near Death Experience’. The story had a powerful impact on all those who attended.

For more information about upcoming CHAZAQ events and programs, please call 718-285-9132 or Visit https://www.chazaq.org/

Together We Can Make A Difference, To donate online to CHAZAQ please visit https://www.fidelipay.com/chazaq

in English
Death - Смерть
near death
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