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The Roaring Twenties. 1920-1929



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Rabbi Berel Wein

The Roaring 20s is the story of rabbis and scholars, about yeshivas and women’s education, about strengthening the old and adapting to the new. It is a story about power, mass media, propaganda, gangsters and hoodlums… of Jewish communists on the left and radical Jews on the right. This was the decade that changed the world forever.

A decade of hope, aspirations, optimism & progress - until the bubble burst.

A Berel Wein Destiny Production
Director: Ashley Lazarus
Producer: Beverly Beard
The Destiny Foundation is a 501c3 non-profit. To keep these videos free, please consider making a tax-deductible donation here https://www.rabbiwein.com/donate.php

in English
Jewish History - Еврейская История
twenties, memories, 1920, 1929, war, history
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