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What does mazal tov mean? Do we really believe in luck?



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Ask the Rabbi Live with Rabbi Chaim Mintz
There are things that are predestined and can be read in the stars and heavenly bodies. Jews also have mazal, but we don't need to be concerned about it because we can change it through following the Torah. Mazal tov is a prayer that G-d make his blessings flow in great quantity.

Oorah's founder, Rabbi Chaim Mintz, delivers a weekly Tuesday night class at Oorah's "Torah Spot" in Staten Island. The class is streamed live at http://www.oorah.org/rabbimintzlive each Tuesday night at 8:30pm

"Ask the Rabbi Live" session begins at 9:00. Send your question to be answered by Rabbi Mintz by submitting it to [email protected]
All questions are welcome!
in english

Astrology - Астрология
mazal, luck
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