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How to become Holy?



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Rabbi Yaron Reuven

Tips To Be Holy are not just Segulot or old wives' tales, but rather straight from the Holy Torah's Parashat Acharei and Kedoshim. This week's double Torah portion is full of holiness that has more relevance today than ever. Once we learn and apply them, we have the key to opens all of the gates of holiness your soul can desire. We're also going to discuss many other topics coming from a live online audience that's asking questions. Enjoy and be holy.


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0:00:00 Introduction
0:06:26 Acharei Kedoshim: Tips to Be Holy
0:08:33 Kohen Gadol attire: 8 garments; Kohen: 4 garments
0:09:31 Why do the verses seem out of order in Lv. 16:4? (hint: incl. Righteous Noahides)
0:13:08 Korbanos: For the Name of Hashem—G-d needs nothing (Onkelos, Lv. 16:8)
0:15:26 Becoming Holy: from proper actions & following Torah teachings
0:15:53 Know your stance: Mitzvot are for personal benefit, not G-d's
0:16:17 Why distinguish "convert" from "natural born Jew"? (Lv. 29 v.16)
0:17:16 Converts acquire stronger Jewish Yetzer Hara, challenging Jewish community bonds
0:19:28 Yom Kippur: Eternal Statute—The Torah Doesn't Change
0:22:37 Korbanos mistake could cost one their life
0:23:09 Reward & Punishment System (ChatGPT)
0:26:24 Unlearned deny the supernatural (Lv. 17:7: demons)
0:28:08 Confirm Truth: Consult Torah Scholar or Self-Study (Trait of Quiet)
0:29:20 Don't be like Egypt & Canaan (Lv. 18:3)
0:31:16 Righteous vs Nations of the World—Lust
0:35:22 The Perfect Hamburger (Life without Torah)
0:38:08 You shall not follow their statutes (Lv. 18:3)
0:38:26 You shall observe My statutes and observe My judgements (Lv. 18:4)
0:38:37 Statutes: Logical vs Judgements: Beyond Logic (e.g. Shatnez)
0:39:33 Live by them: Eternal Heaven (Rashi/Onk. Lv. 18:5)
0:40:36 Double Benefit: Good Eternity & Here (Radak, Lv. 18:5)
0:40:56 Immorality Crimes: Must Avoid (Lv. 18 vv.16-30)
0:43:42 Immorality Crimes: All are an abomination: LGBTQ, bestiality, Niddah (e.g. bf & gf), etc.
0:45:24 Immorality Crimes: Do not be defiled like the nations
0:48:06 Immorality Crimes: Gog u'Magog, eliminate 2/3 world 8 min. (Zachariah 14; Vilna Gaon)
0:51:20 Forbidden & Perverse Public Schools—like handing child to Molech
0:53:55 Abominations—cut off (Lv. 18 v. 29)
0:55:01 Why Acharei precedes Kedoshim & usually read together
0:57:53 Ramban: Steps to be Holy
1:00:56 A Good Sacrifice that goes bad—Death penalty
1:02:14 Leaving Derech worse than never being on it
1:05:12 Potential Gadol chose lust over Hashem
1:14:06 Ramban: Steps to be Holy (cont.)
1:31:34 Conclusion

1:33:03 Christian spreading tumah
1:33:50 Talents (i.e., gifts) for Sanctifying Hashem's Name
1:44:31 Praying to Hashem in the merit of the Tzadik
1:45:33 Biz Diversity
1:48:52 Bathing disabled father: permitted or not?
1:49:33 Can a woman ever go to a male doctor?
1:50:02 Sheol (i.e., grave; Gehinnom)
1:50:40 Avoiding LGBTQ supportive businesses
1:51:29 KING DAVID
2:00:34 How could unholy Bilaam be a Prophet?
2:01:41 Prophet levels: greater self-perfection correlates with clearer prophecy
2:06:21 Is modesty a concern for a woman alone with her husband
2:07:27 Does a woman have to wear stockings? Can she wear open-shoe toes? (Tzniut)
2:12:16 Making fun of wicked: Mitzvah?
2:16:04 Jews must marry Jews (Kohen forbidden to marry convert)
2:16:48 Protecting one's eyes at all times
2:19:22 If Marriage is from heaven, Why is there Divorce?
2:20:10 Everything is part of Hashem, Hashem is not part of it
2:20:41 Permissible and prohibited drawings
2:25:49 Bitachon
2:32:40 Free choice to reject/accept G-d's will
2:32:59 Can Jews wear clothes made by Non-Jews?
2:33:38 Praiseworthy is the person who is always scared
2:34:13 Why do people sacrifice to demons?
2:35:25 Souls
2:40:17 Tzadikim with spiritual vision
2:46:54 Jesus's (i.e., Esau) Potential
2:47:56 Women must cover arms (Tzniut)
2:50:08 BeEzrat HaShem Inc. End of the Year 2022 (5782-5783)

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Vayikra-Acharei Mot-Kedoshim
acharey mot, kedoshim
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