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Holiness is the Foundation of Judaism



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Rabbi Yaron Reuven

As we begin anew Sefer Shemot we see that the message between the lines is still the same--Kedusha is the Foundation of Judaism. Tune in and learn the beautiful messages of the Torah by that can even inspire a life long addicted sinner into becoming a modern day Yosef HaTzadik. Enjoy

0:00:00 Introduction
0:05:04 SHEMOT: When Am Yisrael Becomes Am Yisrael
0:05:52 Kedushah is the Foundation of Judaism
0:07:26 Seventy Souls Descended to Egypt
0:08:32 And all the persons who emerged from Yaakov’s loins were seventy souls (Ex. 1 v. 5)
0:10:34 Holiness Can Create Holiness & Wicked Esau's Potential (Me'am Lo'ez)
0:13:28 Yaakov Avinu Went 87 Years Without a Single Seed Ever Leaving His Body
0:17:52 and Yosef was in Egypt (Ex. 1 v. 5)
0:19:36 G-d Safeguards Those Guarding Their Brit, as Yosef HaTzadik (R. Rata, Taharas HaKodesh)
0:20:28 Extraordinary Blessing of Many Children for Am Yisrael in Egypt
0:22:23 Blessing of Having Children for Protecting Brit
0:27:16 Blessings are Best Kept Away from Conversation
0:27:54 Protecting Brit Avoids Going to Gehinnom & Chibut HaKever
0:29:10 Unimaginable Benefits of Protecting Brit
0:31:26 Kedushah Must Be One's Top Priority
0:31:54 The Unimaginable Loss Because of Immorality
0:33:44 Protecting Brit & Blessings
0:40:18 Protection, Prosperity, Perpetuity—Endless Blessing, as Yosef HaTzadik
0:41:10 Six Babies at a Time
0:43:18 Each Child Brings a Blessing (Income)
0:46:35 Achieving Milestone of Understanding to Prioritize Kedushah
0:48:09 Powers of Impurity Try to Attack Kedushah
0:51:17 Why G-d Tests Tzadikim
0:52:52 Why Pharaoh Tries to Retain Jewish People, His Enemy
0:54:50 How Jewish People Preserved Their Blessings
0:55:28 Nine Levels of Impurity of Pharoah
0:55:41 Egypt Punished for Women Being with Women (Rambam)
0:56:11 The War Between Kedushah & Tumah is Constant
1:05:30 There is Hope & What Am Yisrael Held On To
1:10:28 Teshuvah & Achieving Kedushah is a Lifelong Endeavor
1:11:50 Tool of Satan: Too Busy with Work & Chasing Money
1:15:08 Learning Torah, Building on Same with More Insights
1:16:08 Eighty Rewards Beyond Comprehension for Protecting Brit (R. Rata, Taharas HaKodesh)
1:26:33 Conclusion

1:29:20 When is Sheva Brachot?
1:29:46 Mezuzah Amid Persecution and Life Risk
1:30:57 Degree of Sin by Quantity
1:32:00 Neturei Karta: Completely Wicked Heretics
1:32:26 Apologizing for Torah Ideology is a Chillul Hashem, a Major Sin
1:33:26 Can a Married Woman Go to a Beauty Salon?
1:34:13 How Can One Merit a Miracle?
1:35:06 Why Is the Prayer for Rain Based on the Civil Calendar?
1:35:40 Is Netilat Yadayim Cup Impure?
1:36:50 Literal, Allegorical, Metaphorical Interpretations in Torah
1:39:21 Should Men Fast During Time of Shovavim?
1:41:54 Is it Heresy?
1:43:22 Is the Rav's Pirkei Avot Book Ready?
1:44:05 Advice for a Noahide Seeking a Spouse
1:45:29 Those Who Fight for the Truth
1:54:42 How to Convert to Judaism
1:58:31 Whoever demeans Torah scholars—there is no remedy for his wound (Shabbos 119b)
1:59:29 Is it Heresy?
2:06:47 Miracles May Deduct from Olam Haba, with Exceptions
2:08:27 Single Woman Seeking to Merit Jewish Home (When Edom Will Be Destroyed)

#Shemot #Britkodesh #Judaism #Jewish #Torah #rabbiyaronreuven #shovavim #Tikkun #Tikkunhabrit #TeShuva
Shabbat, Covenant, Old Testament, holiness, kedusha, shemot
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