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It's Korban Pesach Time



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Rabbi Yitzchak Reuven

Telling Our Stories of Freedom on the Seder Night!
The Busiest Day of the Year for Israel!
We have been working furiously to get our houses and ourselves ready for Passover, and on the 14th of Nisan we have one last task to do: the Passover offering! The Passover offering is a wake-up call for Israel and the world - and the prelude to our telling our children how we were taken by HaShem out of Egypt, an event which we bequeath to our children by reliving our own participation in the exodus from Egypt. Wishing everyone a very happy Passover - the Festival of Freedom!

Helping to make HaShem's dream of a Sanctuary in which His Presence can dwell amongst us, in the work of the Temple Institute! Join us in our efforts! https://www.templeinstitute.org/donate

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Passover - Песах
Korban Pesach
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