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Rabbi David Kaplan
Philosophy of Mitzvot: The Birds of the Metzora
When the gossiper brings this bird-offering he's reminded that gossip kills. From this mitzvah we learn how the tongue is the most powerful weapon we have, for the good and for the bad. Rabbi Kaplan elaborates on the power of a compliment.
in English
Philosophy of Mitzvot: The Birds of the Metzora
When the gossiper brings this bird-offering he's reminded that gossip kills. From this mitzvah we learn how the tongue is the most powerful weapon we have, for the good and for the bad. Rabbi Kaplan elaborates on the power of a compliment.
in English
- Category
- Vayikra-Tazria-Metzora Evil Speech - Злословие
- Tags
- lashon hara, compliment
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