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Insurance Related Questions



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Rabbi Yakov Zev Smith

The halachic perspective of insurance and insurance claims
2. May the injured (damaged) party refuse to make an insurance claim?
3. May the מזיק be charged for an increase in insurance premiums?
4. May the מזיק refuse to pay because the ניזק has insurance coverage?
5. May the ניזק receive double compensation for a single loss?
6. The halachos for liability insurance
7. The halachos for situations where the insurance payment is more than the
actual loss
8. The halachos for medical insurance and health care policies
9. May an accident victim receive double payment?
10. The halachos for property or fire insurance
11. Insurance claims and automobile accidents
12. The halachos for a rented or leased car
13. Collecting insurance payment when halacha doesn’t require payment

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