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Solid Foods In Hilchos Shabbos



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Rabbi Yakov Zev Smith

1. the halachic definition of דבר גוש and its ramifications in halacha
2. The differences between דבר גוש and דבר יבש
3. Putting salt into a hot cholent
4. Adding uncooked spices to hot food in a serving platter
5. Putting ketchup, mustard, etc. onto hot meat
6. Soupy cholent that contains kishke; kneidlach in soup
7. Adding very hot rice or lukshen into lukewarm soup
8. Adding pepper or mayonnaise or onions to very hot cholent eggs
9. Rinsing very hot cholent egg or immersing it in cold water to cool it off
10. Putting hot kugel onto a plate that has cooled liquid on it
11. Eating hot food with cutlery that has cold residue on it.
12. Putting very hot kugel or cholent next to pickles, cole slaw, etc.
13. Putting butter or margarine onto a very hot potato
14. Putting very hot meat onto challah
דבר גוש . 15 that is in a כלי שלישי

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