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Lying Lips - Psalm 120



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Rabbi Mendel Kaplan


LYING LIPS ~ Studying Tehillim, the first of the Shir HaMa’alot: Psalm 120 - Part Two


Awe-Psalm Ascendancy Series ~ Redemption Songs on the Shir HaMa’alot

Studying Tehillim. Psalm 120 - Part Two: "LYING LIPS"


Psalm Surprises: Identifying the Single Greatest Danger and Source of Suffering for the Jewish People. Totally Counter-intuitive! Then, how we all have a role to play as you discover how to Save Your Soul from Slander, Gossip and Deceit. Weighing Verbal Purity with Profitless Speech!


#Tehillim #psalms


in English

Tehillim/Psalms - Псалмы Evil Speech - Злословие
lying lips, psalms
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